Setup a Project Wiki
Kingfisher is our wiki server. Check out the wiki index to see existing wikis.
Add a MediaWiki Installation
# ssh root@kingfisher # cd /srv/www/htwiki # tar -xzvf mediawiki-unconfiguredInstallation.tar.gz # mv mediawiki <project_name>
The go to the mediawiki setup website for your project:<project_name>
Fill in the options appropriately with some special Configuration options to note:
Make a seperate database for each project:
- Database name: wikidb_<project_name>
Seperate username for each project:
- DB username: wikiuser_<project_name>
And no table prefix.
This will create the LocalSettings.php file which you then move to the correct place:
# cd <project_name> # mv config/LocalSettings.php .
Config should no longer be world writable:
# chmod a-w config
Your wiki should be completely setup at:<project_name>
I then usually go login to the wiki and add to the main page: Wiki is configured correctly. for 100% assurance that everything is working :)
Add Sysop/Administrator User
Follow these steps to make your account a sysop, or to make someone else who manages the wiki, a sysop.
Create an account for yourself. Logout. Login as the WikiSysop user.
Navigate to Special Pages -> Make a user into a sysop, or modify this link with your project name:<project_name>/index.php/Special:Makesysop
Make yourself a sysop and Set bureaucrat flag too.