Setup a Project Wiki
Kingfisher is our wiki server. Check out the wiki index to see existing wikis.
Add a MediaWiki Installation
# ssh root@kingfisher # cd /srv/www/htwiki # tar -xzvf mediawiki-unconfiguredInstallation.tar.gz # mv mediawiki <project_name>
The go to the mediawiki setup website for your project:<project_name>
Fill in the options appropriately with some special Configuration options to note:
Make a seperate database for each project:
- Database name: wikidb_<project_name>
Seperate username for each project:
- DB username: wikiuser_<project_name>
And no table prefix.
Note: When you click Install! it may fail. For me it has always failed if the username was too long (it must be at 16 characters or less)
If it worked, this will create the LocalSettings.php file which you then move to the correct place:
# cd <project_name> # mv config/LocalSettings.php .
Config should no longer be world writable:
# chmod a-w config
Your wiki should be completely setup at:<project_name>
I then usually go login to the wiki and add to the main page: Wiki is configured correctly. for 100% assurance that everything is working :)
Add Sysop/Administrator User
Follow these steps to make your account a sysop, or to make someone else who manages the wiki, a sysop.
Create an account for yourself. Logout. Login as the WikiSysop user.
Navigate to Special Pages -> Make a user into a sysop, or modify this link with your project name:<project_name>/index.php/Special:Makesysop
Make yourself a sysop and Set bureaucrat flag too.