If you have a Mac or Linux machine with an automatic DNS discovery tool, such as Bonjour, Avahi, or Zeroconf, you can browse our network for these printers to add them. The printers will show up with the given sr-isoroku or similar name through Zeroconf as listed below.
This page is being updated as the printer settings have changed again.
InfoNet Media Lab Area
IMLab HP Color LaserJet 4600n (outside lab)
IP: Host: sr-isoroku
IMLab BW T630 (outside lab)
IP: Host: sr-dumitrescu
IMLab Lexmark T630n B&W laser (inside lab)
IP: Host: sr-ike
Storage Room
Lexmark T630
IP: Host: sr-mountbatten
EC3 Lab
EC3Lab B/W T630 (Lexmark T630n B/W laser)
IP: Host: sr-rommel
HP 4600n (colour laser)
IP: Host: sr-macarthur
Grad Student Lounge Area
EC3Lab HP Color LaserJet 4600n
IP: Host: sr-monty
Lexmark T630n (B&W laser)
IP: Host: sr-patton
Main Grad Area (near research administration offices)
Lexmark T640n (B&W laser)
IP: Host: sr-yamamoto
HP Colour LaserJet 4650n
IP: Host: sr-zhukov
HOWTO Install Printers Under Windows
HOWTO Install Printers Under Mac OSX
HOWTO Install Printers Under Linux
Linux (and Unix) Printer Installation (using CUPS)
On any system running CUPS (Common Unix Printing System - all modern Unices), you can point a browser at port 631 on the local machine, and click on the "Printer" heading:
To add a printer, click "Add Printer" (seen in lower-left, above)
All our Research printers are PostScript-capable, and are network-enabled. With that in mind, on the next screen we choose "JetDirect":
Use this "socket://" syntax, combined with the appropriate IP-address of the printer you want. The final ":9100" means Port 9100, which is the standard JetDirect port to use. If you are adding a Windows XP shared printer, the syntax to use is trickier: smb://
Since our printers are native-PostScript, and Postscript is the native output from every Linux (Unix) application I know of, we will use the "Raw" queue, to pass the data unaltered from app to printer:
You should now see this "Success" screen, when a printer has been successfully added:
Re-visiting the CUPS "Printers" page should show all yoru printers. Print a test-page if you wish to verify correct connection to your newly-added-printer. Lastly, please set a sensible (ie Black and White laser) as your default printer. DON'T set a colour-laser for default output; use this for special circumstances.