Who's Where - Availability of Research staff
Over summer, all of us are probably taking some vacation time. This is just so that we can co-ordinate where possible.
- Camp coverage
- Sat May 21 - Mon 30 May
- Absolutely no connectivity (well maybe a radio, but that's it. Generator power 6am-9pm)
- LinuxTag 2005 in Germany, and visiting Marissa's relatives
- Itinary
- Depart Thursday, June 16 @ 16h30
- LinuxTag: June 21 to June 25
- Return Friday, July 1 @ 19h00
- I should responsive via email in the evenings, as Germany is very well connected.
- Itinary
- Trips to Vancouver Island
- No specific dates set, but I will probably be going for one or two long weekends.
(A vacation to Scotland some time in June)
Any plans?