Server documentation
Automated tracking
I tried doing up an initial version of this, but management was a total PITA.
Instead, I'm working on setting up RackView to manage our racks. It seems to be a well designed solution for this sort of thing (the only thing I don't like is that the ebuild is out of date, and it's a perl webapp).
For the wiki node of a server, please use this syntax to link (replace NAME with the server name):
Server List
This initial list is everything that has a reverse DNS entry.
- Tonka - Toby, LauraT, RobW, various others?
- Slinky
- Gaia
- Echo
- Whisper
- Lightning
- Corsair
- Valiant
- Thunderbolt
- Lancer
- Aki
- Pool
- Vindicator
- Siat-sparc
- Csil-cluster
- Quartz
- Cossack - Sukhjit is using this as a tikiwiki server
- Nerva - SPARC machine, used by TechONE students for 2004-05 semester, then it will be used for dev purposes
- Nelson
- Tirpitz
- Nebula
- Navajo - Nagios
- Hood
- Musashi
- Yamato
- Dreadnought
- Bismarck - research mailman, sassafras server
- Titus - image server, for lab imaging
- GigSwitchStack
I don't know the present status of these machines. Some of them may be ripe for a wipe+reinstall.
- Rats
- Matchbox - I don't think this machine is actively used anymore. RW - zope?
- Beaufort - Previously called Research
- Wildcat
- Lexington